Friday, February 29, 2008

Under the Cloud of Shame

It's easy. It's easy when the only person that sees your sin is God. It's easy when you only have to confess to him. It is easy because you are not afraid that God will look down on you or look at you differently because of what he has seen you do. It all changes when you put a human face to the confession. Priests are easy because they can't really see you. They might be able to tell by your voice who you are, but by and large they may not be a part of your day to day.
I think this is why the epistle of James tells us
"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed."
God will forgive you.
A priest will tell you to go and sin no more.
An honest friend will make sure that you know the disappointment of God.
Today I was held accountable for sin in my life. The disappointment in his eyes was like looking into the eyes of God. But he also prayed for me, that I would be forgiven, something I myself had already prayed for. But there is still that shame that drives me toward conviction.
The more I confess, the more I will be convicted to change. The more I will be refined by the fires of the spirit of God within me.
James went on to say that the "Prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective"
Shame hurts, it makes me physically ill, just as I feel right now. It makes me feel like I should go and justify my actions. But there is no justification for sin-only the truth-if continue it will lead to a further separation from God-and death. I was offered grace by my friend and by God-I am amazed at unconditional love, I am amazed by grace...

Thursday, February 14, 2008


In Mark 2:17-22, disciples of John and the Pharisees question Jesus’ action of not requiring his disciples to fast. Traditional Judaism required them only to fast on the Day of Atonement, but human tradition had won out and they fasted on a more regular basis.

Fasting was voluntary, but it was forbidden during a Jewish wedding feast because fasting is meant for times of penitence and reflection-weddings are joyous! Jesus responds to the criticism by telling the disciples of John and the Pharisees that they are actually participating in the messianic wedding feast (which the Pharisees believed in) at the present time.

At this time I feel like I just stepped into a scene from Westside story where the Jets and the Sharks are facing off. I guess if you put the 1st Century twist on it. I can just see one side walking towards the other bent over, arms all snapping strategically and amazingly at the same time as they sing about the awful nature of one side’s lack of willingness to adhere to old traditions.

Jesus comes back with talk of old and new wineskins and how you cannot put new wine in the old wineskin because the old wineskin will break and you will ruin the new wine.

I think Jesus is trying to say that he is bringing a new word, obviously revolutionary. And because he brings something new, they need to put aside the old to focus on the new.

The question is, what is the wine, and what is the wine skin?

Jesus is saying that he is the new wine and the traditions of pharisaical Judaism are the old wineskin. What he brings to the table is not going to fit in with what they are used to. I think he is talking more about an ideology and heart action than physical actions and traditions.

The Pharisees based the Messiah’s return on their works and their ability to follow or not follow the law. So when you have the Messiah coming onto the scene, you no longer have any reason to be fasting with intent of Messianic reception. So their ideology did not match up with the teaching of Jesus. The new wine was ripping apart the old wine skin.

I don’t think that Jesus was downplaying the importance of fasting. He himself fasted at times. What he was doing was creating a new system for people to follow; one that did not rely on acts of piety but on acts of love.

Part of attending a wedding is showing your love and support for the couple getting married. They are making a commitment to God and to each other that they will remain committed. The reception afterwards is a continuation of the support. You cannot help but smile when you witness the love of a newly wed couple. Jesus wanted all eyes to be on him and what he was doing with his people. The bridegroom had come for the bride and he wanted his followers focused on him. Not on their past lives/lovers, but on their new life/lover that they had in him.

If we are honest with ourselves, the new wine of Jesus just won’t mix with the old wine or the old wine skin that we embraced away from Jesus. That’s part of dying, throwing of the old clothes so that we can put on new ones. Getting rid of the old way of viewing how our lives should be led and looking instead at how we should engage life in light of our new lover; in light of the new wineskin and new wine.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


During lent I have decided to read the whole way throught the book of Mark, episode by episode. In today's episode we found Jesus calling the tax collector Levi to follow him. The social status of a tax collector was that of an adulterer, a thief someone you would not want to be associated with. Jesus, being the revolutionary that he was ate meals with Levi and people like him. Eating with someone is an expression of friendship.
Today collecting taxes is still not a pleasant job, but those who do so are not social outcasts, nor are their families shunned because of their job. Adulterers are no longer looked down upon the way they used to. This because of the "liberation of our culture." Doing what feels right etc... But there are new outcasts, alcoholics, bikers, those who sport various tattoos and piercings... I could go on.
Regardless of what is socially acceptable and unacceptable, Jesus leveled the playing field. He did not really differentiate the tax collector, prostitue, or body art lover. He had one classification for us all-sinner.
Sorry to be the downer in all of this, but Jesus really wanted us to know that though we are sinners, he is willing to spend time with us. Willing to recieve the dirty looks, gossip and verbal knives that go along with it.
I think that we should be willing to do all that too.